Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Assignment On CALL paper 4th .

Textbook analysis Guj. class 9th
An Analysis of theTextbook of English for Class 9th (Gujarat State) by mukesh k davadra

Introducation:-Earlier text-books for english language in Gujarat are prepared on the basis of the only translation of english into mother tongue.Publiser’s main aims was students should capable to read and write english language,but recent text-books are different from previous text-books.They made some modification on it,they prepared communication oriented text-books.

Aims and objectives:-The aims of recent text-books of class 9th are to make students competence in speaking english and objectives are provide them four skills in intersting way so they tempt to learn

Methodological frame work of the text-book:-The recent text-books are based on functional approach and it represents the principles of communicative language teaching. In this text-book lessons are in units with different kinds of exercises like glossery where meaning explain in target language,prounication where poems and dialogues are given for practice,grammar,activity and vocabulary tasks are given for the students.Supplementary lessons are given for reading practice and for recitation poems are given.

Organization:-Every units of 9th standard text-book follow one type of formula that is pre-task,reading,glossary,practice in which proniciation,vocabulary,comprehension,grammar,activity and writing skill are included. PRE-TASK-
For example:-unit 1st is based on dialogue to motivate students for study .
Unit 2nd is based on actual importance of education.
So ,every unit has varied pre-tasks like stroies,information,dialogue,some pictures and asking question to the students.
In l unit reading is based on moral stroies like message from the moon,lesson for theLion ,information,history,economy etc ..,
Glossary-which explian meaning in target language.
Practice:-it included six types of practice .for example,unit 4th proniciation is based on words practice in which proniciation of words are same but meaning and spellings are different,unit 6th vocabulary task is given we have to select right words for right answers,unit 7th comprehension is based on give answers in “yes” or “no” and complete sentences,unit 9th grammar where we have to indetify write option,unit 13th activities is based on video conference,relating to discipline,exams,fashion,watching tv ,unit 15th writing is based on measurement of rooms and write about that details.

Themes ,situation and characters:-in all units themes are presented in different ways.if we look at first unit we find a moral stroies,unit 4th we come across economy area,unit 7th about nationality,unit 8th public awareness and unit 13th related to query and solution provide by expert suggestion .situation and characters are presented in each unit in precious manner.situation and characters provide information and teach moral and nationality as we can see in unit 1,3,7,8,13.Supplementary reading materials and poems:-there are five lessons in it only for reading skill development and poems are for recitation practice.

Materials for testing language skills
:-at the end of each five unit ,there is one model paper for reading and writing skill in class 9th standard.There is no any task for listening and speaking skill practice only read paragraph and give answers,read dialogue and complete it.

Layout :-if we look at appearance of class 9th english text-book we will not find and new changes in it .in each unit there is a small pictuers and it is not in colourful design which attract students to read lessons and look into.

:-if compare old text book of class 9th standard we definitely find some changes,we get practice of grammar,vocabulary,reading,writing,activity task but there is no listening and speaking task available.over all this text-book would change attitude of students towards study and they will enjoy learing.

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