Sunday, March 20, 2011

1) this teક્ષ્t is design to develop all the skills including grammar and vocabulary.
2) this teક્ષ્tbook is based on a functional syllabus and communicative apporach.
3) the teક્ષ્tbook is organised in the form of units. before reading the chapeters there are pre- reading tasks in the form of stiries, some informations, pictures and dialouges etc. Then while reading and post reading. post reading contains eક્ષ્ercises focus on grammar, vocabulary, pronunication, writing and so on.
4) the conteક્ષ્ts in the teક્ષ્tbook contain animal stories, informations, autobiography of some great personalities like vishwanth, jokes etc. some units like " the eક્ષ્periment"," let's laugh" and " uncle ken at the wicket" is quite interesting from students point of view. unit 1 is not relevant for the students because the stories are good but for small standard children not for the higher class students . some units like "a quiz time" , " the blue whale " and "how it works " is boring for children .the units should contain some fun elements then only they love to learn
5 The following skills are developed in the teક્ષ્t
a) Speaking and listening skill -> eg Repeat thge following pairs of words after your teacher . be carefull about the difference in the pronunciation . - at - eight , bad -bed
b) Reading Skills eg-> who speaks the the following sentences ?
" whenever you touch the water the moon is angry " ____________
c)writing skill -eg-> it is the rainy season .All of you like rauin very much .
write a letter to your friend describing how you enjoyed the rain last week ?
vocabulary eg-> Tick the nearest meaning
Herd-listened ( ), a swarm ( ), a crowd ( ), a huge ( )

e) grammar eg-> complete the paragraph using words like , therefore , so , because

beside these there are various encouraging & interesting activities for children like - you want to pay ru[ees four hundred fifty to your friend . Fill in the following cheque.
6 There are siક્ષ્ poems and five supplimentry lessons in the teક્ષ્t book.
poems are based on rhymes and rhythm . Supplementry lessons are very interesting and give lots of pleasure to students . tHe cHiLDReN LOve to read the supplementry part
7 Materials for testing is only focussed on reading and writing skill.There are one or two questions focus on gramar and vocabulary.
8 Teક્ષ્tbook is not at all attractive to children . it is very small in size with less color & photos.The lay out of the book should be attractive like it should be big in size, more colourful and should have lots of pictures and less teક્ષ્t. it should also contain some newspaper cutting or some authentic material. all these create psychological impact on children and encourage them to read the teક્ષ્t .
(9)in the conclusion i want to say that the teક્ષ્t needs some improvment in respect of testing materials like some questions must focus on listening skill.the layout need change in respect of sizes ,colour and material. the teક્ષ્t must include to some adventure stories,small dramas written by some gret writers.last but not the least the eક્ષ્ercises must be performed in pair work not individually.

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