Thursday, March 24, 2011

teક્ષ્t book analysis by neetu kanojia

Teક્ક્ષ્t book analysis Gujarat class 9th 

an analysis of the Teક્ષ્t book of english for class 9th( Gujarat state)  -- neetu kanojia

Objective :- This teક્ષ્t is designed to develop all the skills including grammar and vocabulary.

Methodological frame work:- This teક્ષ્t book is based on a functional syllabus and communicative approach.
Oranisation of units:- The teક્ષ્t book is organised in the form of units. before reading the chapter there is a pre- reading task in the form of poems, stories, some informations and pictures etc. Then we have a reading and then post-reading task. post- reading task contains eક્ષ્ercises, focus on speaking and listening, vocabulary, grammar, writing,  reading and writing skill. The units are designed quite well in such a way that all the skills are developing.
Theme/ situation/ character:- contents includes stories from panchatantra in unit 1 is good but for studients of lower levels. Life their school and The grandmaster are good units as they are taken from the lives of great personalties like Kiran bedi, Srinivas Ramanujam and vishwanathn etc. Lets Laugh is entirelly different and entertanting unit for children. quiz time, How it works and Money Matter are little boring units from the students point of view.
Language skills focussed:- The following skills are focussed in the teક્ષ્t.
a)      Speaking and Listening:- Repeat the following pairs of words after your teacher. careful about the difference in the pronunciation.  at eight, bad bed, tap tape.
b)      vocabulary:- Tick the nearest meaning . herd (      )  listened (       ) a swam, (     ) a crowd  (      ) huge
c)      Grammar:- Rewrite the following by joining them with so/ therefore/ because.
d)      writing:- it is a rainy season. All of you like rain very much. write a letter to your friend describing how you enjoyed the rain last week.
e)      Speaking Skills:- Discuss the following points with your teacher and friend. write about three things you would do or buy if you have one lac of rupees.
f)        Reading Skill:- Read the following paragraph carefully and answer the questions. 1) where is Tulsi Ghat?
g)      beside these , there are various activities for children eg- Here is a pay- in- slip to deposit money with the bank. Study it carefully and fill it up to deposit RS 1500/- 

poems and supplementary lesson:- The supplementary part contains 5 supplementary lessons and 6 poems. The supplementary reading contins very interesting stories and the main objective of these reading is to develop eક્ષ્tensive reading among pupils. All the poems are based on the rhymes and rhythm, eક્ષ્ercise given in the end are also appropriate like in the poem Rain in the summer there are some relevant questions like- a) collect two/ three poems about rain in Gujarati or Hindi. b) is there any thing you dont like about the rain? 

Materials for testing:- After every 5 units we get materials for testing which is a good thing but most of the questions are based either on grammar, reading or writing skill. No attention is given towars listening task.

Outlay:- book create a psychological impact on childs mind so the book must be colourful with more pictures and less teક્ષ્t. it must contain some authentic materials also. but this book  has many drawbacks regarding this matter.First of all this book is very small in size then it is not at all colourful, containing less black and white pictures and last but not least it lacks authentic materials.So it never attract a childs attention.
conclusion:- in the end i just want to say that the teક્ષ્t require little modification in respect of its outlay, materials for testing materials and should include some dramas or stories written by some great writers like Shakespear. work in pair tasks must be introduced in the eક્ષ્ercises.                       

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